BlackBerry S10 conjuring mixes best of Z10 and Q10

We’ve had a few months now to start getting used to the all-new BlackBerry 10 operating system and the first devices to run it, the BlackBerry Z10 and the soon-to-release BlackBerry Q10. The Z10 has met with respectable sales so far and the Q10 is also set to do well as it has the customary BlackBerry QWERTY keyboard lacking on the Z10. So how about the BlackBerry S10, a conjuring mixing the best of both? Read on for further details.
It’s fair to say that BB10 does seem to have rejuvenated the BlackBerry platform and we recently also heard about the budget BlackBerry R Series, due to release later this year. We hadn’t heard of the BlackBerry S10 though but it turned out there was a reason for this as so far it is merely one designer’s conjuring of a BB10 smartphone. Still from time to time we enjoy looking at concept designs as they can help us imagine what sort of devices could be offered in future months.
We thought this BlackBerry S10 concept phone was interesting enough to share with readers as we think it could really appeal to plenty of people. It comes from one of our favorite concept designers Deepak Ahuja and we also recently showed you his concept for the iPhone 5S that you may want to check out here. His BlackBerry S10 rendering (that you can see pictured above) is of course running on BlackBerry 10, is powered by a 1.2GHz quad-core processor and has a 3.6-inch Super AMOLED display with resolution of 720p.
Other specs imaginings for the BlackBerry S10 include an 8.1-megapixel rear camera and 1.9-megapixel front-facing camera, 16 or 32GB of internal storage and a 2400 mAh battery. Ahuja’s vision of the BlackBerry S10 appears to combine the sleek styling of the Z10 with the QWERTY keyboard and trimness of the Q10. We’d really like to hear from readers about this concept BlackBerry phone and what you think of it.
Are you a fan of the new BB10 OS and if so might you choose a handset like the BlackBerry S10? What changes would you like to see to make the S10 even more appealing? Let us know with your comments.
Source: Concept Phones
5 thoughts on “BlackBerry S10 conjuring mixes best of Z10 and Q10”
Whatever that is, I am a BlackBerry fan. I like the BB Hub and gesture of the Z10. If S10 has the gesture, I fine with that too.
I like the idea of the trackpad coming back. I miss that
Now this is the ultimate Almost Perfect Blackberry in every way, shape & form!!!
According to the 10′s of 1000′s of Complaints about the BBZ10 & the BBQ10, the BBS10 will be the Absolute Near to Perfect BB of all time, but a Curved QWERTY Keyboard like the BB Bold 9780 is Easier to use rather than the Boxy Square QWERTY Keyboard like the BBQ10. And it better have a SIM Card.
It has the MENU, the SEND, the END & the Ever Loved BACK Buttons. Plus the Awesome QWERTY Keyboard with the lines between, (a Curved QWERTY Keyboard would be better & Easier to use) and it has the SPACE Button & the SYM & aA^ Buttons and the TRACK PAD. A BB doesn’t get anymore Perfect than this new BBS10. If I had the $$$ I’d buy a million of these New BBS10′s & give them away to All the people Complaining about the BBZ10 & BBQ10 bcuz I know how they feel!!!
PLEEEEEZ tell me that the BBS10 will be available in BC Canada Before 2014???
And Thank You Deepak Ahuja for the concept of Finally creating the Perfect BB. Well it could even get more Perfect if U took the BBS10 but made it with a FULL Sized Screen & had a Bottom Slider Fully Functionable QWERTY Keyboard with all the above mentioned buttons.(Not a Sideway Slider QWERTY Keyboard, bcuz a Sideway Slider QWERTY Keyboard is Too Wide to Hold in 1 Hand & Txt) This way us Physical QWERTY Keyboard Lovers could have the beloved use of a FULL Sized Screen With our beloved QWERTY Keyboard. But I’ll take the BBS10 just as it is bcuz it truly is almost Exactly what I’ve always wanted.
Thank You BB for LISTENING bcuz a lot of people didn’t think BB was Listening to what we Truly Wanted from BB. Yee Hawwww!!!
Signed, I can hardly wait for my BBS10,
Kimberlee 🙂
PS…. I’ve just told my Sister about the BBS10 & a few friends & they’re all as excited as I am. This BBS10 will be BB’s Absolute by far the BEST BB created!!! It has Most Everything that people are complaining that the BBZ10 & BBQ10 Don’t have.
How do U spell Happy? BBS10 of course!!!
Blackberry is back. I have the z10 and its so smooth and awesome phone. We look forward to any upgraded Monster BBRY phone like a phalet.
LOve it!