Samsung Galaxy Note 2, S3 Android 4.2 update bypass

The updating of various Android hardware to later versions of the operating system can quite often become a long drawn out process, with certain manufacturers and carriers having a worse record than others. Today it seems that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 will be bypassing the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update.
Almost a week ago we heard a rumour that the Android 4.2 update for the Samsung Galaxy S3 could be released at some point this month, but it seems the S3 and the Galaxy Note 2 will be updated straight to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean instead.
Australian carrier Telstra has stated that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 4.2 update has been “withdrawn” by the company in favour of a newer version of the mobile operating system, which must mean the Android 4.3 update.
We even suggested a few days ago that Samsung should just skip the Android 4.2.2 update in favour for the newer firmware following a rumour it might happen. As long as users are not kept waiting too much longer it makes perfect sense to just go straight to the latest version of the OS that is available.
It seems almost certain now that we will get to see Android 4.3 officially next week at the upcoming Google press event, but Samsung has yet to state anything themselves about the Android updates for the Galaxy S3 or Galaxy Note 2.
The Android 4.3 update is likely to hit Nexus hardware a short time after being made official, and we have already seen it running on a Nexus 4. This should then be followed by the Google Play Edition devices from HTC and Samsung.
There isn’t believed to be many new features coming in this latest update but it does include the likes of Bluetooth LE, and improved battery life which is always welcomed.
Do you like the idea of the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 jumping straight to Android 4.3?
Source: GottaBe Mobile.
6 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy Note 2, S3 Android 4.2 update bypass”
Given that it won’t keep us waiting for ages. I am for the idea
I ain’t gonna buy samsung ever, in this lifetime. At the selling point the producer should transfer the total ownership and CONTROL to the buyer. Part of my s3 is controlled by samsung. 16 GB models ships with alot less, though its occupied by the system, thats quite significant. :/ Now trying to maximise s4 sales by making us wait for updates.. Cant we sue them once and for all??
“At the selling point the producer should transfer the total ownership and CONTROL to the buyer.” – You mean like Apple does? Oh wait…..
10 months later “Samsung skips Android 4.2.2 and Android 4.3 to give Galaxy S3 users Android 5.0”
Or just skips everything ahead.
what.. I have had no gps since 4.1.2 hopes 4.2.2 would fix it. but have tk wait for 4.3 now instead?