Premature Galaxy S5 release rumors unjustified

Over the past few months we have discussed many of the wanted Galaxy S5 features, as these have been gauged since the release of the Galaxy S4. Some of you might think this is a bit premature, but when you look over the new flagship smartphone from Samsung, it is clear there are problems, and so owners look at what they feel needs to be improved.
We don’t expect the 5th-genration model to be released until April of 2014, even if we are to believe things are not going rather well for the Galaxy S4, which is why we find the premature Galaxy S5 release rumors unjustified.
This rumor has come to light since supposedly poor Galaxy S4 sales, because while things looked good for the S4 upon release, over the months things have slowed down, which means sales are lower than Samsung had anticipated.
However, this is no reason to suspect that the Samsung Galaxy S5 will be released earlier, as we are sure things will pick up, unless rival devices prove even more popular, such as the Moto X phone, and people jumping from Android to get their hands on the next iPhone?
Another factor we have to consider is that it takes a great effort to design and manufacturer a new version of the Galaxy S phone, and so an early 2014 release is still the most obvious choice. Then you have to consider something else, Samsung will now be more focused on the release of the Galaxy Note 3, and so will be putting in a huge effort to get this one out of the door, and to make certain sales do not slump.
Having said that, Galaxy Note 3 sales could go the same way as the S4, because we don’t expect to see any radical changes with the newer phablet either, as that is more than likely being saved for the Note 4 release, along with the Galaxy S5 as well?
4 thoughts on “Premature Galaxy S5 release rumors unjustified”
good opinion
I sort of don’t see the problem with Samsung creating a similar phone each year. Apple takes a good while to release a ‘new’ phone with exactly the same aesthetic appeal as the previous one, and everyone gets too excited because the innards are a slight improvement. The same sort of happens in the PC world, each manufacturer comes out with a new model that doesn’t look to dissimilar to their previous ones and no one really seems to care, but the biggest photocopying machine in the world in terms of designs is Porsche. Now I know fast cars are no way related to phones, but no one cares that the 911 looks identical each year, so I really don’t understand all the hatred towards Samsung for ‘similar’ looking phones.
I don’t think it’s the “similar” looking phones, its the poor quality built phones they offer. You get what you pay for..
Samsung will be worried about the impact about even the Budget iPhones an iPhone 5s,as Apple will have seen the mistakes made by Samsung with the S4 an offer more better Features an Software,with Android 4.3 an 5.0 coming soon Samsing will have to create even a new Galaxy phone offering Android 5.0,but will we get a metal phone from Samsung or not,as they are under pressure with using Plastic,o.k the Galaxy Note III might help Samsung in the Smartphone market but not everyone wants a 5.7 or 6″ Smartphone in your pocket,so they might offer a Galaxy S5 before Xmas time to stem the demand on the new Apple phones