HTC One jumping straight to Android 4.3 in US soon

The HTC One is currently among the most desirable smartphones available on the Android platform, but the device has been lagging behind its biggest competition in terms of Android updates. Now it seems that the HTC One will be going straight to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean in the US soon.
While the international version of the HTC One has been already updated to Android 4.2.2 users in the US are still stuck on Android 4.1.2, but according to some tweets from HTC’s president, Jason Mackenzie, users will bypass Android 4.2.2 and go straight to 4.3.
The reason given is that it was just a minor update and the comments come after he was replying to a user that has the Developer Edition of the handset, and was complaining that the Verizon version will be launching with Android 4.2.2 straight out of the box.
Mackenzie explained that the handset would be skipping Android 4.2 as it “offered limited customer benefit”, and that Android 4.3 was almost here. It has to be remembered that the conversation via Twitter was talking about the Developer Edition of the handset but the handset is basically an unlocked version of the smartphone.
Earlier this month the Google Play Edition version of the HTC One was updated to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, but the update has been causing some issues for users of certain Nexus devices so hopefully any bugs will have been ironed out before the HTC One gets updated.
The software now supports Bluetooth Smart technology that uses less power along with Open GL ES 3.0 support for high performance graphics, and the update has been promised before the end of September. This mirrors what rival manufacturer Samsung seems to be doing with its 2012 flagship handsets and jumping straight to Android 4.3.
Source: Phone Arena.
One thought on “HTC One jumping straight to Android 4.3 in US soon”
Yes great, but now it stopped working with my Ford Sync system!